Monday, May 28, 2012
pregnancy & more, pt.3
Lovin' my new baby:
The contractions and pain I had after my girls was surprising. Particularly when nursing. I barely noticed it with my first. My Mom said it usually gets a bit worse with each one. Oh goody.
I mentioned Cliffton's head. It was only elongated like that for a few days.
Violet honestly had Yoda ears, they stuck out at such a funny angle. Not that they were long, just a little twisted and she can defintely kick some butt like Yoda.
Azure had bloody eyes. I had never seen that in an infant before. It was a little creepy to see at first, but she was and is just so beautiful that I didn't really notice it much.
I just loved holding these beautiful, brand new little darlings. They are a most precious gift.
Its hard being so tired. Its hard being so emotional. Bizarre things seemed to set me off. I know my emotions took a much greater rollar coaster ride after the baby than before. You feel strange. Its an awesome responsibility. Going out on walks helped some. Just being around family but not a lot of people at once also helped.
My first mother's day was when Cliffie was just 3 days old and we had some family over for a little luncheon thingy. I was making my first bottle of formula for Cliffton 'cause I was sooo sore from nursing and I was feeling bad about it and still in pain and forget not feeling pretty, I felt like a walrus or something, etc. etc. You get the idea. Well, Richard had asked me something about the lunches and I was just concentrating on getting Cliffton fed and didn't pay much attention to him and so he poked my arm and asked again and I was said (apprx.), "Stop! Don't do that! I dont' care what lunch it is" and ran/waddled downstairs and promptly cried. I felt so miserable. It was kind of a strange thing that set me off but hey, we talked and that man loves me. He is a compassionate soul.
The baby zits were kind of bad with Azhie. She has been by far the greatest sleeper. I think she was 8 weeks old, maybe 10 when she started sleeping through the night. Violet was OK and Cliffton woke up often for many months. Violet seems to be my strongest baby. I remember she climbed onto the ladder that went up to the loft before she could walk - and the rungs were far apart. Azure seems to be the quickest (but she does have to keep up with 2 older siblings). Cliffton is so tender and sweet. He is a very curious guy. I'm falling asleep, time to go. :)
pregnancy & more, pt.2
Labor and Delivery:
My first was soooo long! I think I was maybe 1cm dilated when they started the pit drip. Started around noon, and Cliff wasn't born until 10am the next day. Ugh. At least it was uneventful for the most part. Even though I felt like everything was pretty calm and so "prepared," I wasn't prepared for how tiring it was. Or how much Cliffton's poor little head would resemble a potato. And bleeding lasted such a long time afterwards. My recovery seemed really slow. I think if you're labor is long, your recovery tends to be long. Of course, your mental and physical health effects that too.
I remember we both did not want the C-Section that my doctor said he would most likely need to do. My contractions had gotten strong but then slowed. The staff started to get ready for the surgery and both Richard and did not want to do it. I recall asking for something to eat and a nurse said I couldn't before a C section. So I immediately started daydreaming about cheesecake and large, crunchy green grapes. Mmmmm. I talked to my doctor and tried and successfully had Cliffton without a C section. He said later to my father in law (they work in the same clinic but diff. practices) it was one of the hardest deliveries. Cliffton was stuck at some point but I was totally numb and exhausted and not all that aware of everything. I remember no one warned me about the shakes. I shook a lot as soon as he was born, like when you're really, really cold. A kind nurse got me all bundled up later and that helped.
My labor with Violet was nearly as long as Cliffton's but I felt better, was lighter, and a lot more active throughout that pregnancy and most of labor which helped. I noticed contractions around 11:30 am and felt the first painful ones around 9:30pm, 10pm. She was born at 4:20 after pushing for maybe 20 mins. I remember thinking, oh her head is so little and nice and round. No potato head for her! I recall that we had some really kind nurses there. Not the one that did the IV. But the rest were pretty darn great.
It was really neat to have my sister in law, Michelle, there when Violet joined us. She is one heck of a woman. With my first pregnancy and L & D, I remember not feeling so open about who I wanted with me, being more private, etc., but I know now that even though I don't want the births taped or a ton of people there, I really enjoy having some of the fam around for support, distraction and love. I love this family! I love having my Mom and Mother in law near me. They are wonderful.
Azure's was fast. I had had sooo many false contractions that its a little difficult to say when true labor actually started. Sometime around 4pm while Mom and I were at Serendipity 3, east of Central Park right by the Queensboro bridge. We got to Penn Station by 6pm but we were both ill and didn't get on until the 7pm train back to Freeport. I remember getting my first really bad contraction as we were walking in the station and I could. not. move. Of course it was super busy there and no one understood except my sweet Mom. As we were coming home I remember starting to get scared that the baby was going to come really soon.
That wasn't the case with my other two but maybe this little lady was going to make quite an entrance. I prayed that she wouldn't come until we got to the hospital. I prayed. As we came to our stop, I got another bad contraction and was sooo scared that I wouldn't be able to get off the train at the right stop. Again, I could. not. move. With the Lord's help we barely got out of there and got to my dear husband. We grabbed our things from the home, got to hospital around 9.
I was so glad we made it there. They kept saying they needed to do blood work and this and that and couldn't get Mr. Anesthesiologist yet. So, then I was frustrated. I'd been to that hospital several times. Why wasn't this info./work already there?? When the nurse said I was already a 7 or so, I thought, oh good, all this pain meant lots of progress but still time for an epidural, right? Nope - eventually a nurse said there wasn't going to be time. Really? REALLY?!
I think the next check someone said, OK, you're at 9.5 and you can start pushing on the next contraction. That actually helped a lot. When you're dealing with contractions although deep breathing seems to help a little, nothing really helps like pushing. I had already pushed some - it was involuntarily. My body just seemed to be on its own course. It was still hard and a little scary but I felt good having my Mom there and being able to push. I only pushed a few times. It was just over an hour after we entered the hospital that we welcomed our baby girl. Richard got back to the hospital just moments after Azure was born. I was sad that he missed it but glad he had been with the other kiddos and that my Mom was there with me.
My first was soooo long! I think I was maybe 1cm dilated when they started the pit drip. Started around noon, and Cliff wasn't born until 10am the next day. Ugh. At least it was uneventful for the most part. Even though I felt like everything was pretty calm and so "prepared," I wasn't prepared for how tiring it was. Or how much Cliffton's poor little head would resemble a potato. And bleeding lasted such a long time afterwards. My recovery seemed really slow. I think if you're labor is long, your recovery tends to be long. Of course, your mental and physical health effects that too.
I remember we both did not want the C-Section that my doctor said he would most likely need to do. My contractions had gotten strong but then slowed. The staff started to get ready for the surgery and both Richard and did not want to do it. I recall asking for something to eat and a nurse said I couldn't before a C section. So I immediately started daydreaming about cheesecake and large, crunchy green grapes. Mmmmm. I talked to my doctor and tried and successfully had Cliffton without a C section. He said later to my father in law (they work in the same clinic but diff. practices) it was one of the hardest deliveries. Cliffton was stuck at some point but I was totally numb and exhausted and not all that aware of everything. I remember no one warned me about the shakes. I shook a lot as soon as he was born, like when you're really, really cold. A kind nurse got me all bundled up later and that helped.
My labor with Violet was nearly as long as Cliffton's but I felt better, was lighter, and a lot more active throughout that pregnancy and most of labor which helped. I noticed contractions around 11:30 am and felt the first painful ones around 9:30pm, 10pm. She was born at 4:20 after pushing for maybe 20 mins. I remember thinking, oh her head is so little and nice and round. No potato head for her! I recall that we had some really kind nurses there. Not the one that did the IV. But the rest were pretty darn great.
It was really neat to have my sister in law, Michelle, there when Violet joined us. She is one heck of a woman. With my first pregnancy and L & D, I remember not feeling so open about who I wanted with me, being more private, etc., but I know now that even though I don't want the births taped or a ton of people there, I really enjoy having some of the fam around for support, distraction and love. I love this family! I love having my Mom and Mother in law near me. They are wonderful.
Azure's was fast. I had had sooo many false contractions that its a little difficult to say when true labor actually started. Sometime around 4pm while Mom and I were at Serendipity 3, east of Central Park right by the Queensboro bridge. We got to Penn Station by 6pm but we were both ill and didn't get on until the 7pm train back to Freeport. I remember getting my first really bad contraction as we were walking in the station and I could. not. move. Of course it was super busy there and no one understood except my sweet Mom. As we were coming home I remember starting to get scared that the baby was going to come really soon.
That wasn't the case with my other two but maybe this little lady was going to make quite an entrance. I prayed that she wouldn't come until we got to the hospital. I prayed. As we came to our stop, I got another bad contraction and was sooo scared that I wouldn't be able to get off the train at the right stop. Again, I could. not. move. With the Lord's help we barely got out of there and got to my dear husband. We grabbed our things from the home, got to hospital around 9.
I was so glad we made it there. They kept saying they needed to do blood work and this and that and couldn't get Mr. Anesthesiologist yet. So, then I was frustrated. I'd been to that hospital several times. Why wasn't this info./work already there?? When the nurse said I was already a 7 or so, I thought, oh good, all this pain meant lots of progress but still time for an epidural, right? Nope - eventually a nurse said there wasn't going to be time. Really? REALLY?!
I think the next check someone said, OK, you're at 9.5 and you can start pushing on the next contraction. That actually helped a lot. When you're dealing with contractions although deep breathing seems to help a little, nothing really helps like pushing. I had already pushed some - it was involuntarily. My body just seemed to be on its own course. It was still hard and a little scary but I felt good having my Mom there and being able to push. I only pushed a few times. It was just over an hour after we entered the hospital that we welcomed our baby girl. Richard got back to the hospital just moments after Azure was born. I was sad that he missed it but glad he had been with the other kiddos and that my Mom was there with me.
Pregnancy and more, pt.1
With several friends, cousins, and a sister in law who've either just had or about to have a baby, I have had pregnancy and labor and newborn baby joys and woes on my mind lately. I'd like to share my experiences, serious and otherwise!
With my first, I was at my heaviest. So that's no fun. It brought new meaning to the term, "beached whale" in the last 7 weeks or so of pregnancy. I was swollen during the last 2 weeks or so and it got worse at the hosptial and for a few days after. I also had Puppps - it feels like Chicken Pox and it moves in patches around your body. Since I have stretch marks all over my tummy, the Pupps goes to that weak skin first. I felt like a Vampire - stay outta the sun! Heat in general made is soooo much worse.
With my next 2: No More Puppps! Most women don't get Puppps again. Yeah!
I often felt like my brain and body were separate. My brain often wanted a lotta things that my body would just laugh at. However, when it came to cravings, both brain and body joined forces.
I have a pregnancy-related hernia that came on in the last tri with Cliffton, the 2nd one with Violet, and then the first tri with Azure. I'm thinking that the hernia will be my "I've gotta be pregnant" hint instead of a pregnancy test or missed period with my next. Oh goody.
My 2nd pregnancy went really well other than the hernia. It seemed like Violet got particularly active right at bedtime and when I would finish excercising.
Azure was pretty calm. I got a lot of pain at night with my last pregnancy. I'm not sure if it was the round ligament pain or what. But it hurt. I had a hard time the last tri trying to get comfortable and dealing with cramps. I started sleeping practically sitting up and that helped a lot. I felt like an old person. I got swollen veins, esp. on my right leg. Nearly every time I stood, it hurt, after the first 9 weeks or so. Definitely the roughest pregnancy.
With my first, I was at my heaviest. So that's no fun. It brought new meaning to the term, "beached whale" in the last 7 weeks or so of pregnancy. I was swollen during the last 2 weeks or so and it got worse at the hosptial and for a few days after. I also had Puppps - it feels like Chicken Pox and it moves in patches around your body. Since I have stretch marks all over my tummy, the Pupps goes to that weak skin first. I felt like a Vampire - stay outta the sun! Heat in general made is soooo much worse.
With my next 2: No More Puppps! Most women don't get Puppps again. Yeah!
I often felt like my brain and body were separate. My brain often wanted a lotta things that my body would just laugh at. However, when it came to cravings, both brain and body joined forces.
I have a pregnancy-related hernia that came on in the last tri with Cliffton, the 2nd one with Violet, and then the first tri with Azure. I'm thinking that the hernia will be my "I've gotta be pregnant" hint instead of a pregnancy test or missed period with my next. Oh goody.
My 2nd pregnancy went really well other than the hernia. It seemed like Violet got particularly active right at bedtime and when I would finish excercising.
Azure was pretty calm. I got a lot of pain at night with my last pregnancy. I'm not sure if it was the round ligament pain or what. But it hurt. I had a hard time the last tri trying to get comfortable and dealing with cramps. I started sleeping practically sitting up and that helped a lot. I felt like an old person. I got swollen veins, esp. on my right leg. Nearly every time I stood, it hurt, after the first 9 weeks or so. Definitely the roughest pregnancy.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Help! I'm being held prisoner in a chinese bakery.
For Richard's birthday, I made fortune cookies with mostly silly and bizarre 'fortunes' inside. It was kinda hard to shape them quickly but still enjoyable. The recipe tasted great. My cookies ended up being a little chewy and tough in the middle rather than thin and crunchy all over, so I'm going to try spreading the batter really thin before baking them next time. The author says to tilt the cookie sheet but I don't think I did. I just happened to have a fortune cookie birthday card from the awesome assortment of handmade cards that I buy periodically at Costco.
I used the recipe @ I quadrupled the recipe and it made around 4 dozen cookies. I think they were a bit large though. You could also color the cookie batter for parties or dip them in chocolate. Yum!
These are the 'fortunes' I used in the cookies. I'm a big fan of really funny, bizarre, not crude, depressing thoughts/fortunes. I searched several sites, like fortune cookies sayings sites and I also love checking out Heres the list:
Foot: A device for finding funiture in the dark
Be sure your will is up to date - best check it out in the next 2 weeks.
Good health is coming your way. However, it may pass you by
Play close attention to your sleeping arrangements tonight. An important lesson or challenge faces you.
Best review last year’s tax returns. The IRS has just pulled your file for audit.
Cookie sometimes see great success and happiness ahead for you. Sometimes cookie very stupid.
You will die alone and poorly dressed.
Help! I'm being held prisoner in a chinese bakery.
Ask not what your fortune cookie can do for you, ask what you can do for your fortune cookie.
About time I got out of that cookie.
An alien will be appearing to you shortly.
He who throws dirt is losing ground.
starship ride has been promised to you by the galactic wizard.
Never forget a friend. Especially if he owes you.
Do no mistake temptation for opportunity.
A tub and a rub will change your day.
Better to press shirt than press luck.
Let’s just say that the cookie is going to be the better part of the "fortune cookie."
Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.
Today is probably a huge improvement over yesterday.
Please dont eat me!
The road to riches is paved with homework.
You are the crunchy noodle in the vegetarian salad of life.
I love Richard!!! ~Janelle
You will be hungry again in one hour.
Happy Birthday to my favorite husband!!
You will eat another fortune cookie.
Give me the strength to change the things I can, the grace to accept the things I cannot, and a great big bag of money
A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you're in deep water
My life has been golden since I first saw your smile. JS + RS 4ever!
Those who have love have wealth beyond measure
A great person was born on your birthday - YOU!
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
Do or do not, there is no try.
Top of Form 1Bottom of Form 1
If you see spots before your eyes, see a doctor. If you see Spocks before your eyes, see a psychiatrist.
You are about to meet the woman of your dreams. Unfortunately, the woman sees you as the man of her nightmares.
Never give a high five to a shark unless you want to lose some skin.
Well, that year's over. On to the next!
There's no better jungle gym than Daddy! ~Cliffton, Violet and Azure
May good fortune come to you on Richard's birthday!
"I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter."
-Sir Winston Churchill
You will soon receive an inheritance.
Make your own fortune here:____________________________________
He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at.
The journey of a thousand miles sometimes ends very, very badly.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless its really a meteorite hurtling toward the earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless its death by meteor.
There are no stupid questions. But there are a lot of inquisitive idiots.
Richard, Richard, he's our man, if he can't do it no one can, gooooo Richard!!!
If you're not part of the solution, there's good money to be made in prolonging the problem.
I used the recipe @ I quadrupled the recipe and it made around 4 dozen cookies. I think they were a bit large though. You could also color the cookie batter for parties or dip them in chocolate. Yum!
These are the 'fortunes' I used in the cookies. I'm a big fan of really funny, bizarre, not crude, depressing thoughts/fortunes. I searched several sites, like fortune cookies sayings sites and I also love checking out Heres the list:
Foot: A device for finding funiture in the dark
Be sure your will is up to date - best check it out in the next 2 weeks.
Good health is coming your way. However, it may pass you by
Play close attention to your sleeping arrangements tonight. An important lesson or challenge faces you.
Best review last year’s tax returns. The IRS has just pulled your file for audit.
Cookie sometimes see great success and happiness ahead for you. Sometimes cookie very stupid.
You will die alone and poorly dressed.
Help! I'm being held prisoner in a chinese bakery.
Ask not what your fortune cookie can do for you, ask what you can do for your fortune cookie.
About time I got out of that cookie.
An alien will be appearing to you shortly.
He who throws dirt is losing ground.
starship ride has been promised to you by the galactic wizard.
Never forget a friend. Especially if he owes you.
Do no mistake temptation for opportunity.
A tub and a rub will change your day.
Better to press shirt than press luck.
Let’s just say that the cookie is going to be the better part of the "fortune cookie."
Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.
Today is probably a huge improvement over yesterday.
Please dont eat me!
The road to riches is paved with homework.
You are the crunchy noodle in the vegetarian salad of life.
I love Richard!!! ~Janelle
You will be hungry again in one hour.
Happy Birthday to my favorite husband!!
You will eat another fortune cookie.
Give me the strength to change the things I can, the grace to accept the things I cannot, and a great big bag of money
A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you're in deep water
My life has been golden since I first saw your smile. JS + RS 4ever!
Those who have love have wealth beyond measure
A great person was born on your birthday - YOU!
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
Do or do not, there is no try.
Top of Form 1Bottom of Form 1
If you see spots before your eyes, see a doctor. If you see Spocks before your eyes, see a psychiatrist.
You are about to meet the woman of your dreams. Unfortunately, the woman sees you as the man of her nightmares.
Never give a high five to a shark unless you want to lose some skin.
Well, that year's over. On to the next!
There's no better jungle gym than Daddy! ~Cliffton, Violet and Azure
May good fortune come to you on Richard's birthday!
"I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter."
-Sir Winston Churchill
You will soon receive an inheritance.
Make your own fortune here:____________________________________
He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at.
The journey of a thousand miles sometimes ends very, very badly.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless its really a meteorite hurtling toward the earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless its death by meteor.
There are no stupid questions. But there are a lot of inquisitive idiots.
Richard, Richard, he's our man, if he can't do it no one can, gooooo Richard!!!
If you're not part of the solution, there's good money to be made in prolonging the problem.
Bayview School
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Montauk Lighthouse
On April 9 we went to Montauk. Montauk is THE end of Long Island. Once you get about a half hour or so away from our town on the southern parkway it becomes really quite pretty. As you get even farther out, (it was about a 2hour drive) it reminds me of some of the more pretty, rural parts of Central Florida. We played at a playground there and then went into the museum which is part of the lighthouse tour. I first went up to the top with Cliffton and then Richard went up with Cliffton (he was JUST tall enough to go up). I found it fascinating that the powerful light shining from the lighthouse is from a tiny bulb. About the size of a ping pong ball. You can see the light from about 19 miles away. That's the horizon line or something like that, I was told by the guide at the top of the tower. She was cute - said she felt kind of like Rapunzel up in her tower. :) Montauk and Fire Island are both still in operation. I got a shot glass from there! If you ever see a really cool shot glass, think of me! I love to collect them. So does Susie, my twin sis. So does Richard's brother Matt. But don't think of them, at least not first.
Fire Island
On April 4, during Richard's spring break, we went to the Fire Island Lighthouse and the beach. We drove through Jones Beach State Park and then along the ocean parkway to get to Robert Moses State Park which is a part of or at least connected to Fire Island National Seashore. There is a fun boardwalk that meanders around the property surrounding the lighthouse. The beach was nice. Not many people and it doesn't take a half marathon to get there. We still want to actually get up inside the lighthouse but at least we got to go inside the Montauk Lighthouse. I've posted the Fire Island pics first. We had so much fun running around on the beach and wouldn't you know, Azure thinks sand is quite tasty. Cliffton took the picture of Daddy by the lighthouse. It was a little cold. Especially when Violet and I were running around by the water. We had a great time.

I love my family!
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