I've had a tough time with my right heel and tendon lately. Scaling back on the high impact stuff, I've done some biking and pilates instead of my bootcamp. I'm nervous. I still do strength training but its not been at the same level as when I was doing the cardio/strength circuits w/ bootcamp and I hardly run. I went today and I think I did about 5 days ago. My original goal was to get to about 8-9 miles a week or two before the event but now, I think 4 is my max. And no running on streets or sidewalk which yeah, makes sense, its just a bit inconveinent! I REALLY want to successfully complete this Tough Mudder so I don't want to injure myself (duh!) but I also want to be in (good) shape. I scaled back so much these last 10 days or so, mainly because I was sick for a few days, but also because of my tendon. I think I'm going to go swimming a few times too - but since I've had zip training when it comes to swimming, it wont' be the best workout for me. Still, its good for the body and we need to swim 30-50 feet for the event so I need some practice.
.......on another note.... when I was sick I had a horrible sore throat and it was the worst one I've ever had. Richard discovered online that if its a type of cold sore, raising the pH will help get rid of it. Immediately after gargling with milk of magnesia, I felt TONS better. Seriously, it felt like a miracle drug! I also took antibiotics in case it was something like strep, thanks to talking with my father in law. Before I started feeling better, I had asked Richard for a blessing. I'm so grateful to have Richard in my life. He truly helps me and complements me.
Frustrating! It's so hard to slow down when you have a goal that you're working for. Good luck and I hope that you get feeling better soon.
I didn't realize you had a blog! Good luck with your training!
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