Friday, March 18, 2011

Today was lovely!

It must have been up near 70 today! It felt sooo nice. I took the kids to the library for a story/song/mini movie toddler group for Cliffton. Oddly, Violet likes it more than he does. The library is only about 3 blocks from our home and as long as its not bitter cold or snowdrifts everywhere, its a nice walk. We then checked out a health foods store nearby and bought some prunes, dried mangoes, snap pea crisps and little treats for the kiddos. Wow, I didn't realize how much I love prunes. Double yum!

Richard and I took the kiddos to the park after I took a nap. Violet was SUPPOSED to nap too but yeah, didn't happen. They had so much fun at the park even though it was a bit psycho. Everyone wanted to take advantage of the nice weather. Pictures to follow soon. Then we went to one of our most favorite stores - Costco. After shopping, we then had dinner there. In a rather amused tone, I mentioned to Richard how on the way to Costco we noticed how backed up the parkway was going south (back home) and I had earlier said, "We might have to find a different way home." Richard was kidding when he said, "Oh, it will have cleared up in 3 hours when we come home." Wouldn't you know, 3 hours later.... :)

Here are some pictures. I realized I had taken a lot of pictures of them at the same park earlier but only of Violet on the 18th. Here are some from the last couple of days.
(She was showing me where her belly button is)


Mike and Michelle Clark said...

70 degrees! So lucky!! We're still dealing with the 40s here. :(

Darrell and Loretta Stacey said...

Hey it was lovely in Chicago too, but not 70. Can't wait to see the photos.

Darrell and Loretta Stacey said...

Cute photos Janelle! Thanks so much to keeping us up to date with what is going on with your family. We love you.

StephenEmily Stacey said...

Violet's hair is getting long!

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