Monday, December 13, 2010

a quick run-down

Cliffton loves He-Man and She-Ra. He has been holding a baby monitor speaker that looks like a walkie talkie and saying things like, "by the power of greykind!" Now he will say it correctly "...grayskull." I call Violet Battle Cat because she has quite the little growl sometimes. Man, this girl is tough! She has figured out how to escape from her crib despite all of Richard's creative measures. They had a lot of fun over Thanksgiving when Mike and Michelle came to visit. We really enjoyed spending a bit of time with them and with Mike's family. It was a great time. I hope to get pictures up soon. I have been feeling pretty good but already I have a swollen area that is from a pregnancy-related hernia. Yeah, not fun. But last pregnancy it didn't start up 'till about 20 weeks. This year, 10 weeks. And even though I can still wear my regular jeans, I often wear maternity 'cause its already more comfortable. Next pregnancy? Hmmmm... The statistics aren't looking good. I have a doctors appt. tomorrow so we'll update on that later. On a good note - Richard just took 3 of 4 final exams and feels good about them. He says it doesn't mean anything though. I'm happy for him. One semester down - 5 more to go!


StephenEmily Stacey said...

Violet is a handful!:) Ella doesn't even attempt to climb out of the crib. If we weren't having another baby, I'd probably leave her in the crib until she was 3!

Congrats to Richard! I hope that all of the finals turn out well and I'm so glad that you've found a profession that you enjoy (at least the school part so far anyway).

Janelle - I'm sorry about the maternity clothes early. Blah. I'm always so sick of my maternity clothes by the time the end comes. How did you get a hernia?

Janelle said...

I don't know Em. Something about the way the uterus pushes my tummy or intestines or something. Yeah, shows how medically in tune I am!

Janelle said...

Steve and Em, we loved your Christmas card BTW. Awesome pictures!!

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